Thesis Talks 2024

Amar D’Adamo and José Vega-Cebrián participated in the UC3M Thesis Talk 2024 contest, presenting the contexts and results of their theses in less than 4

Participation in ESCAN 2024

Amar D’Adamo, Marte Roel and Karunya Srinivasan participated in ESCAN 2024, the 7th bi-annual ESCAN (European Society for Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience) meeting which took

Participation in CHI 2024

Amar D’Adamo participated in the CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI ’24), in Honolulu, Hawaii (May 11-16). He presented the following paper:

MH. Rahmani

Mohammad (MH) Rahmani is a PhD research candidate in Computer Science and Technology at UC3M, currently focusing on Embodied Perception through Interaction and Sensations.

Karunya Srinivasan

Karunya Srinivasan has a multidisciplinary background in Psychology, Expressive Arts Therapy, Somatic Education and Cognitive Science. Her studies and work have followed her belief that it is in movement where the body finds its meaning.

Participation in TEI’24

José Vega-Cebrián participated in the Eighteenth International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction (TEI ’24), in Cork, Ireland, (February 11-14) with a demo and

Body x Materials @ CHI: Exploring the intersections of body and materiality in a full-day workshop

We published a blog post on ACM Interactions about our Body x Materials workshop at CHI 2023: Body x Materials @ CHI: Exploring the intersections of body and materiality in a full-day workshop!

During the 2023 CHI conference, we ran a one-day workshop to consider the design space at the intersection of the body and materials [1]. The workshop gathered designers, makers, researchers, and artists to explore current theories, approaches, methods, and tools that emphasize the critical role of materiality in body-based interactions with technology. We were motivated by developments in HCI and interaction design over the past 15 years, namely the “material turn,” which explores the materiality of technology and computation and methods for working with materials, and “first-person” approaches emphasizing design for and from lived experience and the physical body. Recognizing the valuable contributions of approaches that foregrounded materiality [2] and the body [3] in HCI, we proposed to explore the intersection of these two turns.

Read more: Body x Materials @ CHI: Exploring the intersections of body and materiality in a full-day workshop