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Participation in DIS 2024

Laia Turmo Vidal and José Vega-Cebrián participated in DIS2024, the ACM Conference on Designing Interactive Systems 2024 conference, which took place in ITU Copenhagen, Denmark,

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Participation in DIS 2024

Laia Turmo Vidal and José Vega-Cebrián participated in DIS2024, the ACM Conference on Designing Interactive Systems 2024 conference, which took place in ITU Copenhagen, Denmark, …

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Thesis Talks 2024

Amar D’Adamo and José Vega-Cebrián participated in the UC3M Thesis Talk 2024 contest, presenting the contexts and results of their theses in less than 4 …

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Participation in ESCAN 2024

Amar D’Adamo, Marte Roel and Karunya Srinivasan participated in ESCAN 2024, the 7th bi-annual ESCAN (European Society for Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience) meeting which took …

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Participation in CHI 2024

Amar D’Adamo participated in the CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI ’24), in Honolulu, Hawaii (May 11-16). He presented the following paper: …

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Participation in Canal Connect 2024

Joaku (Joaquín R. Díaz) had a double participation in Canal Connect 2024, a festival for the intersections of the Arts, Science and Technology in Teatros …

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Mohammad Mahdi Dehshibi is now an IEEE Senior Member

Mohammad Mahdi Dehshibi was promoted to the grade of IEEE Senior Member! This recognition reflects the exceptional collaboration with Mohammad’s dedicated students and esteemed senior …

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Participation in TEI’24

José Vega-Cebrián participated in the Eighteenth International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction (TEI ’24), in Cork, Ireland, (February 11-14) with a demo and …

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Body x Materials @ CHI: Exploring the intersections of body and materiality in a full-day workshop

We published a blog post on ACM Interactions about our Body x Materials workshop at CHI 2023: Body x Materials @ CHI: Exploring the intersections of body and materiality in a full-day workshop!

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Ciencia y Tecnología en Femenino: Round Table

Ana Tajadura-Jiménez participated in the 6th conference Ciencia y Tecnología en Femenino (Women’s Science and Technology) as part of the roundtable discussion about Realities and …

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Semana de la Ciencia 2023: Muévete como un cíborg! Hackea tu cuerpo con tecnología sensorial vestible

¿Te gustaría probar y entender cómo se pueden diseñar nuevas tecnologías que cambien tu forma de moverte? ¿O que cambien la percepción de tu cuerpo …

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Semana de la Ciencia 2023: Fomentando la Creatividad y Diseño con Tecnología y Materiales Cotidianos

Taller impartido por José Manuel Vega Cebrián, Elena Márquez Segura, Ana Tajadura Jiménez, Joaquín Díaz Durán y Judith Ley Flores, investigadoras del Dpto. de Informática …

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Plenary: Research & Industry in the Metaverse

Ana Tajadura-Jiménez will be part of the Research & Industry in the Metaverse plenary in Stereopsia Europe, The Immersion forum with XR4Europe, in Maison de …

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FESN: “Pieces of Me”: Debating the Constituents of Bodily Self-Awareness along the Lifespan in Healthy and Pathological Populations

We were part of the symposium “Pieces of Me”: Debating the Constituents of Bodily Self-Awareness along the Lifespan in Healthy and Pathological Populations as part …

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Academic Mindtrek 2023: On Futuring Body Perception Transformation Technologies: Roles, Goals and Values

We are presenting our paper On Futuring Body Perception Transformation Technologies: Roles, Goals and Values at the 26th International Academic Mindtrek conference, between the 3rd …

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As Light as Your Footsteps: Show and Tell Demo in MLSP 2023

As Light as Your Footsteps: A shoe-based wearable device for real-time modification of footstep sounds for illusory changes in body weight, will be part of …

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