
Participation in Canal Connect 2024

Joaku (Joaquín R. Díaz) had a double participation in Canal Connect 2024, a festival for the intersections of the Arts, Science and Technology in Teatros del Canal. First, Joaku participated in a special program of the Efecto Doppler radio program, devoted to Canal Connect 2024. You can listen to the program here: Efecto Doppler: Especial desde Canal Connect 2024 (in Spanish). Then, Joaku participated in a roundtable discussion, LA QUIMERA EN LA INTERSECCIÓN ACTS (The Chimera at the intersection of Arts, Science and Technology), along with Esther Moñivas, Mónica Gutiérrez (Basurama), and moderated by Tere Badía. The following was the topic of the roundtable discussion: This roundtable will address the concept of chimera from different projects and perspectives. On the one hand, the integration of performance, the body and the language of technology in a device for critical thinking will be discussed. On the other hand, the research project In Serere (Basurama), which uses the technique of grafting citrus trees as a performative practice based on care. In addition, we will reflect on the relationships between contemporary artistic practices, bioethics and genetic engineering, which lead us to update the concepts of monster and chimera as principles of movements of attraction and repulsion. Translated from: Mesas redondas Canal Connect 2024