
Wearable-Based Measurement of Skin Conductance: Issues and Applications

Susanna Spinsante portrair

Date: Jan 18, 2023  Speaker: Susanna Spinsante. Università Politecnica delle Marche Abstract: Starting from some background information about the physiology of skin conductance, and the information encoded in skin conductance signals, the talk will present the wearable devices currently available to acquire this signal, and the associate measurement issues. Finally, an overview of applications exploiting the use of wearables and the processing of skin conductance to understand human reactions and behaviour, will be provided. Biography: Susanna Spinsante is currently an Associate Professor in Electrical and Electronic Measurements at the Information Engineering Department of Università Politecnica delle Marche (Ancona, Italy). Her research interests are in the field of electronic measurements, instrumentation and metrological issues in IoT and wearable applications. She is IEEE Senior Member and Associate Editor for the IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurements. If you are interested in attending, or would like to give a talk please write an email to:

We are recruiting! A PhD position in HCI at i_mBODY lab, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid


We are happy to announce a fully-funded PhD position in HCI at the i_mBODY lab, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain, as part of the ERC Consolidator Grant Horizon2020 project BODYinTRANSIT: Sensory-driven body transformation experiences on-the-move, led by Prof. Ana Tajadura-Jiménez .    PhD in Human-Computer Interaction: Body Transformation Experiences (supervised by Ana Tajadura-Jiménez) Duration: 36 months (+ optional 4th year; through renewable 1-year contracts). Application deadline: 31st January 2023. Start: March 2023. Fully-funded PhD position