

José Manuel Vega-Cebrián, Laia Turmo Vidal, Ana Tajadura-Jiménez, Tomás Bonino Covas, and Elena Márquez Segura

2024 ACM Designing Interactive Systems Conference (DIS ’24), IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark, July 01–05, 2024




We present the design and evaluation of the Movits, a minimalist toolkit for embodied sketching design explorations. The toolkit includes technology probes featuring minimalist wearable digital units that support the hands-on exploration and design of movement-driven interactions using multisensory feedback. The Movits are self-contained and generate audiovisual or vibrotactile patterns in response to movement-based inputs. We present the theoretical and empirical grounding driving our design process. We discuss the findings of using the Movits during four co-design workshops with design students, technologists, dancers and physiotherapists, where they resulted in being generative and adaptable to a range of embodied design approaches. We contend that the Movits can be favourable for those interested in a holistic design approach to wearables in general and specifically for those targeting movement-based application domains.