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Participation in DIS 2024

Laia Turmo Vidal and José Vega-Cebrián participated in DIS2024, the ACM Conference on Designing Interactive Systems 2024 conference, which took place in ITU Copenhagen, Denmark,

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C4DM-CogSci Workshop on Body-centred perspectives on human-human and human-machine interaction

Ana Tajadura-Jiménez presented The Hearing Body: Sound-driven Body Transformation Experiences Applications for Emotional and Physical Health in the C4DM-CogSci Workshop on Body-centred perspectives on human-human …

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Workshop: Embodied exploration and ideation of multisensory interaction with immersive data representations

We are holding a workshop to experience first hand and  to explore how we can design multisensory interactions with immersive data representations in a different and innovative way, in particular, by using embodied design methods. 

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Call for Participants: Paid Study on Technology and Body Perception

Would you like to help us in our research on technology and body perception? We are looking for participants for our study on body perception where we use sound and a suit with sensors.

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AcademiaNet – The Portal to Excellent Women Academics

The Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) nominated Ana Tajadura-Jiménez to be featured in AcademiaNet, a database of profiles of excellent female researchers from all disciplines. …

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We are recruiting! A PhD position in HCI at i_mBODY lab, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

We are happy to announce a fully-funded PhD position in HCI at the i_mBODY lab, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain, as part of the ERC Consolidator Grant Horizon2020 project BODYinTRANSIT: …

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Científicas e Innovadoras: Outstanding Women Scientists and Innovators

Ana Tajadura-Jiménez has joined the list of Oustanding Women Scientists and Innovators (Científicas e Innovadoras), which is an initiative by the Ministry of Science and …

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Four researchers in a panel discussion

Identity and perception of the digital and virtual self

Identity and perception of the digital and virtual self was a panel discussion at the Madrid in Game Summit 2022. The panel was organized by …

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Sensing the body through sound: Chapter in The Routledge Handbook of Bodily Awareness

Ana Tajadura-Jiménez, in collaboration with Merle T. Fairhurst and Ophelia Deroy, contributed the chapter Sensing the body through sound to the The Routledge Handbook of …

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Semana de la Ciencia y la Innovación 2022

We led a workshop titled Design interactive technology that changes how you feel about your body and activates you physically in XXII Semana de la …

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Órbita Laika: Abracadabra

We were featured in Órbita Laika, the TV program! Abracadabra was Episode 2 of Season 8 and focused on revealing how science creates illusions that …

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ELEMENT Days: symposium and workshop

The Hearing Body: Sound-driven Body Transformation Experiences Applications for Emotional and Physical Health was the keynote presented by Ana Tajadura-Jiménez in the ELEMENT Days symposium. …

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2022 European Researchers’ Night

During the 2022 European Researcher’s Night in Madrid, Ana Tajadura-Jiménez participated in Teatro y ciencia: más allá del bienestar (Theater and Science: beyond well-being). This …

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madri+d: Science of Excellence Interview

Ana Tajadura-Jiménez was part of an interview series organized by madri+d to feature Science of Excellence in the Community of Madrid! You can read the …

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