
Date: 2024-04-04, 13:00h-15:00h UTC+2 (CEST)

Speaker: Pablo Zamorano, Independent Artist/Researcher

Title: Workshop/Seminar Which words arise from the body as it moves?


What part of my existence makes up the body I have; Merleau Ponty said in his phenomenology of perception: “I am my body”, removing any idea of mind/body duality from his discourse. But if I am my body, how can I understand that which I myself am?

Through our body and our contact with those around us, we create a particular interpretation of the world, but also of ourselves. Society teaches us how to cognitively perceive ourselves, but it also subjects the sphere of emotions and feelings to a process of subjectivization in this exercise of recognition. So what we feel is also a reflection of a social codification.

Biography: (Chile. 36 years old).
Creator, choreographer and performer. I am motivated by approaches that link new contexts between body, emotion and thought, from creative research, theoretical and practical conceptualization in live arts and contemporary choreography. I have a Bachelor of Arts with a major in Dance with postgraduate studies in Master of Arts mention in Theater Direction U de Chile. Master in Scenic Practice and Visual Culture. ARTEA Museo Reina Sofia- UCLM Spain and Lab Master in Contemporary Artistic Practices. UNSAM Arg. Author of texts Un cuerpo Otro and Negro sobre Blanco (“Conversations on interpretation and creation in Dance Vol I and II”) MINCAP. 2017- 2021. Certified in the first level of Alba Emoting (System of recognition of emotion from postural and respiratory effectors). I seek to shape a reflexive work pulsed by concepts of memory, culture, mystery and territories.
