Exploring multisensory integration of non-naturalistic sounds on body perception in young females with eating disorders symptomatology: a study protocol

We published Exploring multisensory integration of non-naturalistic sounds on body perception in young females with eating disorders symptomatology: a study protocol in the Journal of Eating Disorders. This is a publication by Sergio Navas-León, Luis Morales Márquez, Milagrosa Sánchez-Martín, Laura Crucianelli, Nadia Bianchi-Berthouze, Mercedes Borda-Mas & Ana Tajadura-Jiménez.

Plain English Summary

This study aims to investigate whether individuals with subthreshold eating disorder (ED) symptoms show differences in the integration of proprioceptive and auditory cues in relation to body representation, as compared to healthy controls. This will be examined by focusing on two different body parts (finger and waist) with different levels of emotional significance for individuals with EDs. Participants will be screened for ED symptoms and divided into groups accordingly. The strength of the illusions will be measured using estimations of body part position and size, as well as self-report questionnaires. Regression analysis will be used to assess the predictive role of susceptibility to the body illusions on interoceptive body awareness and sensory-processing sensitivity. The results of this study may have implications for understanding the underlying mechanisms of body image disturbances in EDs, and inform the development of clinical interventions for individuals with subthreshold EDs.

Call for Participants: Paid Study on Technology and Body Perception

Get up to 20 euros for your participation!
Are you over 18 years old?
Would you like to help us in our research on technology and body perception?
We are looking for participants for our study on body perception where we use sound and a suit with sensors.

If you would like to participate we will ask you to answer a few questions about yourself, your physical activity and eating habits to confirm eligibility.
Those selected will be invited to participate in a session of maximum 90 minutes.
Sessions will take place starting January 19, 2023.

For more information and signing up, contact Amar D’Adamo (

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