
Date: 29 January 2024

Speaker: Kiichi Naka,Institute of Industrial Science, the University of Tokyo, Japan

Title: Does voluntary auditory spatial attention exist in depth plane?


We hear our surroundings in everyday life. From the surroundings where various sounds are, we voluntarily control selective attention to sounds, that is endogenous auditory spatial attention, to achieve our current goals. Many researchers have reported nature of endogenous auditory spatial attention in a horizontal plane, however, there is little research focusing on a depth plane in endogenous auditory spatial attention.

In this seminar, I mainly discuss the existence of endogenous auditory spatial attention in the depth plane. I show an experimental result that indicates we can control auditory spatial attention in the depth plane. Moreover, the potential for the application of auditory spatial attention characteristics in the depth plane is mentioned.  


Kiichi Naka is a research associate at the Institute of Industrial Science, the University of Tokyo, Japan. He is an alumnus of the Department of Acoustics at Kyushu University, and he completed his PhD in Design at Kyushu University in 2023. His research interests are cognitive psychology and its application in industrial design, especially focusing on acoustic.

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